Monday, 28 September 2009

Mesothelioma - Causes and Symptoms

Mesothelioma is not a common disease though the number of patients with mesothelioma has been on the rise.

Every year, more than 2,000 new patients are diagnosed with mesothelioma in the USA alone and this deadly cancer generally affects men than women while older people are more at risk than the young.
About 80 percent of the mesothelioma cases are connected with exposures to asbestos though rarely, some cases are reported without any connection of having exposures to asbestos.
These types of asbestos related diseases are generally diagnosed in people who happened to be exposed to asbestos particles for a longer period. Nevertheless, there are people working with asbestos related products for long time and as yet not experienced major health related problems.
The symptoms and signs of mesothelioma patients may not come out early. They may appear after 30 to 50 years from the person's first connections to asbestos regularly. When the signs come, they may give out chest pains, stomach pain, swelling of the abdominal area etc. Patients show heavy weight loss in these stages too.
When the disease occurs in the abdomen, the patient may experience constipation, anemia, fever and unusual blood clotting patterns. When mesothelioma attacks the mesothelium and spreads further from the mesothelium to the other parts of the body, these patients experiences pain, swelling of the neck and difficulty swallowing. As these symptoms are common with other conditions as well, it is imperative to consult a doctor to diagnose the real cause.
Treatment for mesothelioma depends on the location it occurs in the body. Age and the health conditions of the patients are also significant factors when treating these people. Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy etc are prominent treatments though nothing much can be done for the survival of the patients except prolonging the time factor to a patient's death.
After the detection of the disease comes the Mesothelioma prognosis - which your can learn more about visiting our website that has comprehensive information regarding Mesothelioma. You can also read more about the latest mesothelioma research results!
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