Monday, 28 September 2009

Mesothelioma - Early Detection is Vital

People who are exposed to asbestos particles more often are vulnerable to have the deadly cancer, mesothelioma.

The disease cause malignant cells in the mesothelium - the inner membrane that covers the internal organs of the body. Mostly, mesothelioma harms the inner lining of the chest wall and the lungs. It can also affect the peritoneum - the inner lining of the abdomen and the pericardium that protects the heart and tunica vaginalis.
Those employed in asbestos related manufacturing companies are the most susceptible and have recorded the highest number of mesothelioma patients. In addition, families who have a member or members working in these types of companies are also affected by the disease as they regularly come in contact with asbestos particles when they wash their clothes or from many other activities that expose them to asbestos particles.
Though there will be a high risk of having mesothelioma with smoking, it is not directly related with smokers. Nevertheless, lung cancers are most prominent disease among smokers while mesothelioma attacks only those who have connections with asbestos related manufacturing or with their family members. Persons who live near to these factories are also at risk of having mesothelioma than others.
Individuals who suffer with mesothelioma will not show signs and symptoms of the disease in its early stages. Because of this it is very difficult to diagnose it at the initial stage and by the time it is diagnosed, it can be already too late to cure them. The signs and symptoms include chest pains, weight loss and difficulty breathing though they may vary according to the conditions of the patients.
CT scan, X-ray and tissue sample are the diagnosing methods performed on a patient to clarify whether mesothelioma is the case. The tissue samples are taken by inserting a camera with a tube to the affected areas and these tissue samples are sent for microscopic tests. Early detection of the disease helps physicians to administer effective treatments to minimize the affects.
It is one of the deadliest diseases today, and because of the exposure to asbestos was high before and even after the '80s there are many mesothelioma settlement cases these days. To find more information about mesothelioma class action visit our website by clicking on one of these links.
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